Mar 5, 2009

Making a Case for Social Media

Bunch of logos from social media sites including Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, MySpace, deliciousWhile not all dot-gov is about social media--despite heavy news and buzz coverage--it certainly is growing in importance.

Social media includes blogs, social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, microblogging platforms like Twitter, social bookmarking like delicious, collaborative tools like Wikipedia, and more. These tools provide new avenues to deliver government services and communicate--two way!--with citizens.

Even as the policy issues in using social media in government are being worked out, it's not too early to understand and figure out how to use these tools in your own agency.

An absolutely terrific resource is the extensive webliography (bibliography of web sources) from Robin Broitman, How to Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites. A few highlights
  • Ten Common Objections to Social Media Adoption and How You Can Respond: From Read Write Web: An excellent article that list each of the top 10 common objections to new online tools and provides advice on what you can say in response to each of them. From I to I don’t have the time to contribute and moderate.
  • Top 10 Reasons Brands should Listen to Social Media: From Power Shift - Social Media Blog: There are a multitude of reasons for paying attention to what’s being said in social media. This article lists the top ten which include uncovering complaints so you can remedy them and identifying customers who praise your products so you can use these as testimonials.
  • 21 Ways to Share the Social Media Love From Altitude Branding: The first step in convincing someone about social media is making sure they understand it. This article reviews 21 things to do share what you know about social media with others — business or individual. If you want to increase your own confidence in social media try our post 100+ Resources to Boost Your Social Media Savvy
Take a look at these even if you are not ready to convince your boss. You might be the one who needs convincing, and the time to research is now. If you liked the examples above, see more here.

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